Thursday, June 16, 2016


Dear Mama-To-Be,

I am happy for you! My heart rejoices at the thought of a beautiful child growing within you. I've been waiting a little over a year for my own baby, my heart longs for him/her (or both ;) ) badly, so I can only imagine the excitement and joy you are experiencing in this season. I taste that excitement on the tip of my tongue, knowing soon enough I too will experience that beautiful excitement!

Yet my heart aches because it is a reminder that this month I got my period....AGAIN. It hurts because you told me "we weren't even trying" or "we weren't trying but we were preventing it either. And it took us a few months, so I get it." No, no you do not get it. You weren't with me every month when I took 5 tests because I was late. You weren't with me when I sat in the doctors office swearing I was pregnant only to cry to my doctor because the test came back negative. You got pregnant and it is beautiful but based off your comments to me, you weren't in a season of desperately longing for a child. So you don't REALLY get it. And that is ok.

But you are pregnant! You are about to embark on an amazing journey. Please know despite the little ache I may feel, it does not take away from my pure joy for you and your family. I am proud of you. I am proud that you chose life. I am proud that you are selfless, which you certainly need to be when becoming a parent. I am floored for you! You are going to be a wonderful mommy. 
Please, don't be afraid to talk about your pregnancy with me. Please, share your funny and weird cravings and pregnancy stories with me. Let me know of any concerns and fears so I can pray for you and with you. PLEASE, don't let my longing for a child push you away because you "beat" me to it. It isn't a race. Our stories are just, different. My time is coming and I cannot wait! But in the meantime, lets celebrate YOU! Lets celebrate your baby! Lets celebrate life, TOGETHER! 

Mommy's in waiting. Lets remember to rejoice with those who rejoice! Don't let your season of waiting become a burden. Don't let it be a tool the enemy uses to push you away from loved ones. Love on your mommy friends. Let them know you love them and are praying for them. Sing with them, dance with them, eat pickles and ice cream with them. Buy them an obnoxious amount of baby clothes! And don't forget, God is good and His plan is perfect :)

xoxo Phoebe