Sunday, July 12, 2015

Chalkboard Accent Wall

So, we have moved yet again. That makes it 3 moves in less than 1 year. Oh my stars that is a lot! Long story short, an apartment became available in a perfect location and we could not pass it up. Not to mention it has a spare room which is perfect for when family comes to visit and eventually a nursery when it is time for baby Vinson! So here we are in our new apartment. Tan walls, gorgeous laminate floors (which I love because it does not scratch like hard wood and is WAY easier to clean, hallelujah!) crown molding throughout, massive 7 foot windows, and lots and lots of closet space. 

I could not wait to start decorating and turning this apartment into a home for us. My first project that I wanted to tackle was adding a POP of something. I was happy that we had tan walls because it beats white walls, but all the tan was quickly getting boring so I decided to break out my can of chalkboard paint (you can get it at any home store. I got mine from Walmart for 8$ for a quart).

 I chose a long,vertical wall that greets you when you walk in our entry hallway and is right near the kitchen so you can appreciate it at different angles. I cleaned the wall of any dust or whatever other nasty stuff can get on a wall and started with one coat of chalk board paint. After that coat dried I did another and let that fully dry. After about 3 days I then wiped the chalkboard wall down with a wet paper towel and once dried I covered the chalkboard in chalk and erased it (this primes the chalkboard and makes erasing easier in the future!) And BOOM, a accent wall that is not only adores but productive too. We designated the top portion for our bills (boo) and the rest for scripture! Easy right? And quick too! Go out there beautiful people, pick up some chalkboard paint and make your home something fun AND useful!

happy decorating

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